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Nifty 2 Fifty

Friday 30th of July
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

  • 10 winners – $250 each winnier
  • Winner/s must be present in the gaming room at the time their name is called.
  • To be a Winner/s your name must be drawn from the virtual barrel
  • Winner/s have two (2) minutes to approach the Promotion Host at the cashier’s desk to play
  • If the Winner/s is not present to claim any prize with in the two (2) minutes a redraw will occur
  • Winner/s will be announced by mention of first and last name, along with their membership number.
  • One member will be drawn from the virtual barrel approximately every 15 minutes during the promotion time at the discretion of the host.
  • A total of ten (10) members will be drawn each day the promotion is run
  • All Winner/s will win a $250 each.
  • The total maximum prize pool awarded each day is $2500