Wild Card Trio
9 June 2023
6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Founders Kerrie and Vic Kena have recently added the amazing vocal talents of Phil Mairu to complete a beautiful acoustic guitar and vocal blend that captures their audience immediately.
Each member has a great vocal presence which opens their repertoire to all styles including Country, pop, reggae, ballads, rock, sing a long, dance along , hum along, tap along, bop along tunes.
Vic (guitarist/ vocals) is able to adapt from both duo or trio with either Kerrie (percussion/ vocals) or Phil Mairu (vocals/ utility musician) or if needed a large band. This makes them versatile to suit almost any event/ function and budget.
Through these years they have gained a wealth of experience which allows them to cater to almost any event.
They have also gained the respect of their peers, venues & other clients as being professional on all levels.